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Why do we do this?

Despite it being 2019 where gender lines are being blurred on the daily, you can’t disagree that men and women are different. Biologically, psychologically, physically there’s no escaping that we just ain’t the same. Some may disagree, but I think we can all be united on one fact. Women are strong AF.

Hey guy, ever tried having a vagina? As beautiful as those things are, they can cause some messy ass situations in your life. Firstly, its mystery and illusiveness inspires the pursuit of its wonder by many, many, many, many (okay all) menfolk. Such pursuits do not end in the most positive ways and I’d guess around only 1 in 15 result in loving relationships, guarded and nurtured the way they’re intended to be. The other 14…well, anywhere between discarded and hacked to pieces along with the soul of its owner. But you would never be able to tell by the way she talks so normally to you, smiling, even laughing at your silly jokes. Secondly, the exquisite mess that is menstruation that starts when you’re basically a child. Bleeding and cramping at school every month, worrying your blood-shedding womb will betray you in what I like to call a smear campaign. Ummm... I’m sorry what’s the equivalent for guys? Don't worry, I'll wait. Thirdly, what was this one, oh yes FREAKING CHILDBIRTH! Excruciating, bone breaking, skin tearing, merciless.

Okay so that was a lovely trip around the tip of the iceberg of how women are strong MFs. We’re on the same page? Good. Now on to the mom leg of these beautiful creatures, and what I get so frustrated with. All mothers that I know personally, that I’ve met once off, that I see in mommy Facebook groups, every…single…one of them KILL themselves to do it all. I’m talking for years and years doing absolutely everything with minimal help, whether they are stay at home moms, working moms, single moms, work at home moms I see it way too much. After years of taking care of kids, making sure the house is clean, cooking yourself into a stupor, staying up through the night with sick children, fetching them from school on time, helping with homework, taking them out, saving up for car parts, selling pies to pay for field trips and formula, dishing out timeouts, naughty corner, iPad confiscation, going to speech therapy and spending free Sundays in noisy parks that you come to resent…you start to feel dehumanized. Devalued. Like a maid. An unpaid babysitter. Your only outlet is crying in the closet. Smoking in a locked bathroom. While I’m writing this, I have a migraine and my son is grabbing my arm from the keyboard. And this is normal.

Here’s a thought. How bout you jump in the shower, put on a nice dress, write a note to your significant sleeping other and say I’m going out for the day. Well, once the laughing in your head stops, consider what might happen if you actually do that. For years you have been the one to do exactly that everyday of your life. Why should you have to ask for some time away, and feel bad about it at that? We should get into the habit of using our support structure, whoever that may be. Call your cousin, your bestie, your mother in law. Listen, take this kid, I have plans today which start with screaming into a pillow, see ya later!

Do it before its too late. Before your utter devotion to your family and home to turns into resentment and a possible mental disorder. It might sound funny, but it happens way more than you think.

Mamma, we know you can do it, you are the strong and powerful marvel of the human species. We know you CAN do it. But you don’t HAVE to. Take a break, take a breath. Locate yourself. And surge your love and attention that way.

Sound good? Do it.

Don’t keep yourself waiting.

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1 Comment

Nov 10, 2019

Great piece so aptly captured the essence of a devoted and often self neglecting mum. Well written. Let us all take heed! X

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