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Fight of the Century

Welcome to the fight of the century, that’s right folks its Stay at Home Mom vs Working Mom here at The Chaos Kitchen Arena, everyone is awaiting one of the most anticipated showdowns in history, let’s have a quick recap of our contenders:

Playing for the SAHMs is Stacey Stamos, mother of 3 one of which a baby, the Stay at Home Mom pro, she describes herself as a Fierce Mess. We sure can all relate to that. She prepares for the challenge by placing an extra large pillow on her head, looks like she wants to get those few extra z’s in before the big challenge.

And over here we have Waseema Wagner also mother of 3, ALSO including a baby, she's the self proclaimed Working Mom Wonder, lets take a look at her pre game routine. Looks like she’s deciding on the most comfortable yet bad ass pair of boots to rock today, what a classic Waseema move, and oh okay, looks like we’re ready to start…over to you in the field.

Thanks Barb, now lets just have a quick recap of the rules. Each woman will have 10 hours to be followed by us in their natural habitat to prove once and for all WHO…is the most savage mom of them all. The Working Moms or The SAHMS. Lets begin!


And the 5 o clock alarms go off, our ladies really have their game faces on today, we see Waseema heads straight for the mirror to start her make up routine, some people booing off the bat, wow! Its not sexist ladies, to want your face beat for the day, look at the confidence boost its already giving Waseema, she looks and feels ready for the day. Over to Stacy who is, whoa okay she already has a situation, a pile of dishes that has piled up in a massive pile is standing in her way of making breakfast and school lunches, I gotta say Ron, this is a pile of boohockey if you ask me.

It sure is Barb. But look how amazing is this, the kids in both houses have awoken simultaneously, this should be interesting. We can already see blinky, crusty eyes tugging at both ladies, it looks like Stacey has a moment to embrace the tiny cuddles but unfortunately for Waseema she has one foot out the door already. I guess the nanny will have to take over. And oh Waseema takes it hard as her youngest gets a tear in her eye, oh man we’ve all been here folks, lets hope our girl can tough it out and leave in one piece. One last hug and a whisper in her daughter ear will have to do it because she is out of here. After that morning embrace and exchange of dream updates, Stacey finishes up the kitchen, the lunches and a hearty, hearty breakfast I just have to say, Barb, I never ate like that growing up.

Hahaha! Ron, these ladies sure came to play today. Alright it looks like all kids are out the house and off to school, leaving the ladies to do what they do best. For Stacey that means cleaning up the war zone that the early morning routines leave, as well as tending to her 9 month old, for Waseema, she has to absolutely kill at a pitch meeting with her entire department. We can see her going over her presentation already in the car, she is gonna be incredible, her confidence is … oh, wait a minute there goes her phone she’s pulling over to take the call, who could that be? Let’s turn on the subtitles...


Sky’s throat again?

I don’t think it should be too serious just….(clears throat)

uh huh…ya that’s usually a sign.

Man if it (inaudible)

I have such an important….

are you sure?

Okay, thank you so much, you’re a lifesaver, please just keep me updated okay?

Okay chat soon, thanks again, bye.

Wow the silence that has come over the arena is almost deafening, there are few worse things in life than being away from your kids when they are sick. Its been a rough start for Waseema but lets hope she pulls through on the other side.

Talking about the other side, Stacey has been struggling to get her fussy infant down for his morning nap for almost an hour now, man that is super exhausting in itself but it looks like he’s finally surrendering and now its her time to do a little exercise. You know it sure is great to be able to rock out some jams while you turn up the incline and sweat it out in the comfort of your own home, look at her go. But wait, what’s that sound? Oh man it sounds like the baby might be awake again. She’ll have to put her work out session on hold for another day. Out of the cot and into the bath, this momma didn’t even get a chance to shower, but hard luck its time to go to the shop for those pesky things we need to survive, groceries! Wow, she really knows her way around that store, I’ve never seen anyone this organized. What’s happening? Who is this, Barb, do we know?

I’m afraid we do Ron, its her old, shall we say, “frenemy” from high school, stopping her for a quick catch up. You can tell by the look on her face, she is mortified to be spotted in her home gym clothes and her sweaty, messy bun. A lot of condescending looks from her old friend, she looks like she wants to crawl into a hole right now aaaaand ooooohhh! Saved by the crying baby! She makes a quick escape! Whew, that was a close one.

Over to Stacey now who has just entered her meeting about the big pitch. Its going extremely well. Just by her whole demeanor you can tell she is killing it, she is owning the room, her whole career so far has lead up to this moment, there is no greater feeling but hold on, hold on. The atmosphere in the room has changed. Waseema’s face is not looking too…oh no. I don’t know if you can see this at home but it appears that Waseema has leaked boob milk onto her shirt. That’s right folks, there is nothing less professional than boob milk. She has excused herself and has run to the bathroom and shut the door, I’m afraid we can’t allow the cameras in there.

Well it has certainly been one grueling fight so far today, these ladies have been through the ringer already but we are only half way through. I gotta say for me it seems like it has been neck and neck, let us know what you think at home, who do you think has the upper hand? We’re gonna go to a quick commercial break but please join us after as see who will come out on top of this bloody battle, and will be the ultimate champion.

To be continued…

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